Taxi. Passenger transport services.
Phone: +7 (921) 662-86-26, +7 (902) 138-25-59, 8 (81555) 7-55-57, 8 (81555) 7-45-45
Address: Apatity, st. October 1
Taxi. Passenger transport services.
Phone: +7 (921) 662-86-26, +7 (902) 138-25-59, 8 (81555) 7-55-57, 8 (81555) 7-45-45
Address: Apatity, st. October 1
Taxi Truck, passenger, delivery of products.
Phone: +7 (81555) 6-66-66, 8 (921) 515-66-66
Address: Apatity, st. Lenin, 22a
Taxi Apatity. All Apatity taxi companies are listed in business directory Mnogonado.net. If you are a representative of a taxi company in Apatity or Apatity region and you did not find here information about your company please register here and we will post your business information in our directory.